GLILA's meetings are typically hybrid. The December 2024 meeting will be on on Zoom only.
For the Zoom meeting information, please email
Welcome to The Greater Lowell Interfaith Leadership Alliance
GLILA is open to and welcomes leaders from diverse faiths within the Greater Lowell area. Our unity is based on our shared purpose of building relationships of mutual respect among the members, the communities they represent and area faith communities. Our mission is to broaden our understanding of faith traditions and to support each other's work and faith journey. Our commitment is to be a united force for spiritual and moral leadership and cooperation within the Greater Lowell community and to promote dialogue among the faith traditions.
Land Acknowledgement
“We are gathered in this virtual and physical place from various parts of Turtle Island, connected by technology; faith; a common sense of purpose; the breath given us by the breath-maker, who has named and called us here; and the very piece of Mother Earth – the land – that each of us inhabits today. We understand the importance and necessity of our acknowledging the land and the original, Indigenous peoples whose creation stories are rooted in these places, who have lived on these lands throughout Turtle Island since time immemorial, and who were the first to love, pray, grow, celebrate, cry, drum, and sing upon the lands and places where we are located now.”