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Executive Committee

Executive Committee:


  • Frank Baskin - President

  • Caroline Snow - Vice - President

  • Brian Snow - Treasurer

  • Ed Mahoney - Secretary

  • Imogene Stulken - Past President & Events Coordinator

President - Frank Baskin

     Frank has been an active member of Temple Emanuel of the Merrimack Valley (TEMV). This Jewish Temple has closed and Frank is searching for a new Temple.

     Frank has been a social worker and has worked with older adults during his career. 

     His wife, Leslie, died after some years with Alzheimer's Disease. 

     GLILA has been a gathering place for people of faith. It has also been a guiding light in the Lowell area. I hope that GLILA, with the support of others, will continue to be in that position.

Ed Mahoney - Secretary

     Ed Mahoney is the moderator of the Pawtucket Congregational Church in Lowell.  He also serves as a lector occasionally at St. Margaret’s Catholic Church in Lowell.

     Ed has a PhD. In American Studies from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and is widely read in comparative religions.

     In semi-retirement, he continues to substitute at Lowell Catholic High School and teaches English as a Second Oral Language to adults at the Merrimack Valley Immigrant and Education Center in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Past President - Imogene Stulken

     Active for many years in the Greater Lowell Interfaith Leadership Alliance (GLILA), the Rev. Imogene Stulken now serves the organization as Past-President and Events Coordinator.

     A native of Nebraska, Imogene is an
ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), serving as Protestant Campus Minister at the University of Massachusetts
Lowell and as the Music Director – Organist of University Lutheran Church
in Harvard Square.

     Before ordination, Imogene taught elementary-general music in the Cambridge Public Schools and was the organist and choir director at Christ Lutheran Church in Belmont.


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